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Recomendable ;)
Otro cliente contento con mi acompanamiento en Bioneuroemoción®. Esto me hace seguir con mucha alegría :D
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Opinión de cliente
Voy recibiendo opiniones de clientes de las sesiones de Bioneuroemoción y la verdad es que hay algunas que me derriten!
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Terminando mi Máster en Bioneuroemoción®!
Ya solo me quedan unos pocos días para presentar mi proyecto final de Bioneuroemoción® en el cual he conocido a gente maravillosa que se...
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Kreativitet og terapi
1 dags workshop 4 mai, kl. 10:15-16.45 Velkommen til kreativ utfoldelse gjennom kunstterapi! Workshopen er for deg som ønsker å gå på...
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self portrait in pregnancy
Self portrait ;) (Digital painting in Procreate on my #ipadpro ) #charlottelyng
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Animal sanctuary
This little cutie is an other drawing I did for an illustrated week planer for the animal sanctuary Español:...
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Home studio
Good morning from my little creative corner at home. #home #charlottelyng #atelier #creative #studio #morning #atist #plants
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We went in a family trip to Drøbak (village outside of Oslo) where we went to a farm to pick our own vegetables. That was fun! We could...
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We visited Drøbak, a village by the sea south from Oslo. A very lovely place with some old wooden houses that I loved and wished I could...
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New home
Wow! It's been a while since I have drawn something, and this picture represents why. We moved to a little red wood house that is my...
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My illustration channel
Hello everyone :) I'm starting a youtube channel focused in illustration for now, but I will add some more categories in the future. I'm...
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Moving to
Happy! I'm moving my studio to a co-working space here in #oslo where I will share time with other illustrators! :D Goodbye lonely...
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Botanical treasures
From my last walk in the neighborhood :) for my botanical collection. #leaves #botanical #flowers
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Woodburning workshop
Some pictures of my pyrography workshop in the tearoom Rosa de los Vientos. I had a very enthusiastic and lovely students who where very...
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In the studio
A tree in my studio. Photo: @vpaiam -Un árbol en mi estudio.
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working space
Víctor Paiam did a photoshoot in my studio today :) Víctor Paiam me hizo una sesión de fotos hoy en el estudio.
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Volunteers for the Bees
Víctor and I made some new friends in Oslo at the Parkens Grøde, a permaculture urban garden in Sagene. We had a lovely evening there...
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Organic and local vegetables from our favorite farmer.
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